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INSPIRATION: No inspired reason other than really wanting something fried and sweet. Which is inspiration in itself, don't you think?

RECEPTION/COMMENTARY: Filhós (sometimes called Malasadas) are a fried yeast dough that is sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Simple enough, right? It's essentially a doughnut without the hole. Donut? I dunno. . . I still prefer the old-fashioned spelling of doughnut. Anyway, this technically should be considered an easy recipe since the dough is super simple to make. However, once frying comes into the mix I immediately bump the level up to intermediate.

I am a genuine wuss when it comes to hot oil. The popping and spraying of edible lava burning your skin is just not appealing to me. I wish I had a hazmat suit hanging in my closet for frying occasions such as these (bacon, too). Instead, I wear kitchen gloves tucked into a long sleeve shirt with a thick scarf around my neck. My face also scrunches up as I lean away from the pan when I drop the dough in. I'm positively sure it's a pathetic sight to behold. But we do what we must for doughnuts, right?

Yes, I can just hear the commentary now. "But Michelle? What about an air fryer?" That would be a good solution and healthier too. But where's the "fun" in that?! Plus, it wouldn't be authentic and that, my friends, makes it cheating.

I tried to scale back, but I ate at least two or three of these hot and fresh as I was making them. They are scrumptious and a 7/10 for me! Probably an 8 if it was dipped in a caramel or dulce de leche sauce. 😋 Let's just say I was so excited to share them with my family! Well, when my husband took a bite, my face lit up expectantly as I patiently waited for the savory, sweet goodness to sink in. Do you know what he said? "Meh. It's probably a 3." Meh?!?! What do you mean "meh"?! Sigh. He's entitled to his opinion and I appreciate the honest feedback. I'm still shocked, though. Well my kids loved them and my daughter said they tasted like churros. Thank you for backing me up, sweetheart. Guess you can't win them all. 😂

WOULD I MAKE IT AGAIN? I would! Totally worth the frying risk. Fun fact: In Brazil, they cover these with honey or melted rapadura instead of cinnamon sugar. Solid options for making these again!

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