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Ice Cream Mochi

SUNDAY DESSERT #78: Ice Cream Mochi


DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Easy-Intermediate

INSPIRATION: It is hot outside; middle of the summer kind of hot. We needed to test out a little Japanese style ice cream to cool down.

RECEPTION/COMMENTARY: Mochi ("moh-chee") is a dumpling of sorts. It's made of a chewy rice paste that is rolled and cut out to make a little wrapper that swaddles a sweet filling; either a paste or, as we decided to try this time, ice cream.

But...what flavor to fill it?! This was a serious debate in my head all week. Basic vanilla? A fantastic classic. Cookie dough is amazing, maybe that? How about a fruity flavor? Something caramel-based is standard, right? I sure do love a good caramel. It was a first-world conundrum. So there I was, walking down the ice cream and novelties aisle at Target looking for the perfect filling when lo, and behold, I came across not only pistachio flavor but also white chocolate raspberry truffle. Oh my gosh. Perfection! How did I not think of those before?! I actually squeaked a little with joy right there in the aisle.

Making Mochi is easy in theory, but intermediate level in practice. Scooping perfectly round ice cream balls requires exceptional skill with an ice cream scoop. Mine were pretty lumpy. And wrapping them perfectly takes practice as well. Also, it wasn't until after I made all the mochi that I thought to dye the outer rice wrappers. I would have used pink for the raspberry and green for the pistachio to provide contrast of color. This would have looked more appetizing and just so much prettier. *Sigh*...oh well.

I'm not exactly sure how I've gone through my life without ever trying mochi, let alone ice cream mochi. But at last, the two of us have met. It was pretty good! I gave it a 7/10. My husband loved these so much that he said it was one of the best desserts he's ever had and gave it a 10 rating. So, there ya go.

WOULD I MAKE IT AGAIN? For me? Probably not. I'd rather just eat the ice cream and skip the wrapper. For my husband? I would because it's easy and tasty enough to make again for someone who loves it.

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