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SUNDAY DESSERT #73: Krumkake



INSPIRATION: I really have no inspiration other than really wanting a cookie-like dessert this week.

RECEPTION/COMMENTARY: Krumkake (pronounced "kroom-kah-keh") is a very close cousin to the Italian pizzele. It is thin and crispy like a wafer and is flavored with vanilla and a dash of cardamom. While the cookie is still hot off the iron, it is rolled onto a cone mold and then left to sit until it cools and hardens. This particular shape is signature to Krumkake because the name in Norwegian literally means "curved cake".

These delightful little cones can be eaten plain or filled with the traditional whipped cream. But really, who's going to stop you from filling it with ice cream, or custard, or jam, or fruit, or fudge, or any and all of the above?! You can also easily skip the cone rolling and eat them flat like a regular cookie. Not as exciting, but just as tasty. Another option is to lay them over the under side of a small bowl or cup and let them harden into a waffle bowl shape; perfect for a little ice cream, don't you think? Any way you shape it, it's going to taste spectacular. We rated it an 8/10. Yum!

WOULD I MAKE IT AGAIN? Heck ya! These are so fun to make and who doesn't love a Norwegian waffle cone to go with their dessert?

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