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Updated: Mar 11, 2023

SUNDAY DESSERT #37: Medovik (mee-da-veek or медовик)



INSPIRATION: With the exception of the politics and the war going on right now, I love Russia! I've always had this weird obsession with all things Russian since I was a kid. Medovik, although originally Russian, is also commonly enjoyed in Ukraine. This dessert is dedicated to the many brave men and women who are fighting for their country's freedom. 🇺🇦

RECEPTION/COMMENTARY: "Med" in Russian means honey (kinda like 'mead' means honey liquor). This is, quite literally, a honey cake! The cake part is more like a honey biscuit and the filling is made of sweetened sour cream. The entire cake is then covered with leftover cake crumbs for garnish. It's best made the day before serving because the cake layers absorb the moisture from the filling overnight giving it a soft, creamy texture.

Although it's easy to make, it is quite a time-consuming process. Each individual cake layer (and there are 8 of them!) has to be rolled out, cut into a circle, and baked separately in the oven. So it does take a few hours to make, but the results are worth it!

It's creamy, caramelized honey magic!!! The rich, chewy, honey flavor found in each bite would make a pooh-bear proud. And, it's so pretty to look at whilst consuming yet another slice. I highly recommend this cake for your pleasure. It's a 9/10!
WOULD I MAKE IT AGAIN? да, пожалуйста! (Yes, please!)

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