SUNDAY DESSERT #21: Stroopwafel with Hot Cocoa
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Netherlands 🇳🇱
INSPIRATION: I love the movie The Best Two Years! If you've seen it, then you'll know where I got the idea to make this. Btw, "stroop" pronunciation rhymes with "rope".... so "strope-waffle".
RECEPTION/COMMENTARY: This Dutch dessert is fairly easy to make. The only special equipment that you need is a pizzele maker and Dutch stroop syrup (which is hard to find in America but you can get it from an online Dutch shipping company or in special international stores).
The stroopwafel uses yeast instead of baking powder as a leavening agent. Also, unlike regular waffles, before being added to the iron the consistency is like a cookie dough rather than a liquid batter. After baking, it is then filled with a yummy brown sugar, cinnamon, and stroop syrup concoction.
People in Holland usually put this treat on top of their steaming morning cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa to slowly warm up and soften the golden delicious stroop inside the "wafel". We liked it about a 7/10. However, I think we all prefer the Belgian version better...😅
WOULD I MAKE IT AGAIN? And in the morning... I'm making stroopwafels! 😄